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Leg Extension Unit (LEU)

The Leg Extension Unit is a piece of equipment having many demands on the body, especially in his strength.

Due to its construction and the movement possibilities that it offers, is ideal for the muscle connections through the body – literally felt from head to toe and clarify their pathways.

If you train Gyrokinesis, you can clarify with a workout at the LEU connection of legs and trunk and capitalize the connection to the exercises on the stool and on the mat. That’s the advantage using an equipment with resistance. This external resistance helps to clarify the pathways through the the body which is harder to feel and find when you train just with your body.

The highlight of the LEU is the leg assembly. During the leg extension, the leg unit extends over a pullout rail system and shortened by a spring back into the starting position. By stretching the leg thus all the joints from the hip, knee, ankle to your toes are moved over its maximum length and not compressed. Thereby the complete legs and feet, tendons ligaments are involved in the training. Many knee and ankle injuries but also hip problems can be treated so gently by the vigorous movements.