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At first glance, the Archway is strongly reminiscent of various gymnastic equipments; the rings, the parallel bars and the high bar.

You could also call it the coronation of the Gyrotonic equipment, because here the most power is needed, the gravity calls the body in all body positions. A massive use of force, a good spatial and body awareness is crucial for the training. It should look as if the body seems to float freely in space without the aid of counterweights and suspensions. It hangs freely on the staps, it can be run up like a rainbow from below. See once the world on its head. Incidentally, this is the first exercise, the children make at Archway. Even without prior instruction.

Depending on the size of the trainee you can adjust the distance to the rungs to lean with the pelvic on the cushioned rung Additionally, there is an approximately 4m long rope to support and as an aid. To protect the skin of the hands, it is made from a soft material. It helps to keep the balance of body position on the cushioned rung and assisted in the respective exercises.

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